State-of-the-Art Equipment

Commissioned in 2019, Skeena Bioenergy’s pelletizing equipment leads the industry in efficiency and environmentally-friendly performance. Our low-temperature belt dryer is safer to operate and allows for higher energy retention in our pellet products. Our dual raw material infeed allows us to reduce bark content and produce a superior, longer-burning product.

Stable, Sustainable Fibre Supply

All of Skeena Bioenergy’s fibre inputs are sourced from our sawmilling operation. Because we have total control of the fibre inputs as well as access to our superior mix of Pacific coast hemlock and amabilis fir from our tenure and purchase wood programs, we’re confident we make some of the best products you can find in British Columbia.

Growing to Serve Global and Local Customers

Expanding our company will provide us with more sawmill residuals so we can also increase our pellet production. We are working to cultivate local partnerships to increase our ability to meet consumer demand for home heating pellets, which will, in turn, allow us to continue honouring our long-term offtake agreements that are key to business continuity.

Certified Sustainable

Third-party certification provides objective evidence that we are committed to sustainable forest management and responsible purchasing. In 2017, we proudly achieved certification from the internationally recognized Sustainable Forestry Initiative and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Standards, and in 2022, we earned certification through the Sustainable Biomass Certification Program.

Skeena Bioenergy Chain of Custody Policy

Pellets for the Local Market

The majority of Skeena’s pellet production is committed for sales to international power customers through long-term offtake agreements. These contracts have provided Skeena the stable demand we need to build and invest in our pellet business.

We also know that there is significant local demand for heating pellets, and we are working to expand our production to serve the local market. We currently have retail partnerships that can supply some volume of home heating pellets. For more information, contact